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1 基日岛 Kizhi (810)
2 苏兹达尔尤希米乌救世主修道院 The Saviour Monastery of St. Euthymius (960)
3 采列捷利画室博物馆 Zurab Tsereteli Studio Museum (906)
4 犹太人大屠杀纪念馆 Lyubavicheskaya Synagogue (938)
5 莫斯科道路零公里标志 Kilometre zero of the roads of the Russian Federation (892)
6 波克洛纳亚山 Memorial Synagogue at Poklonnaya Hill (843)
7 天使长加百利教堂(缅什科夫塔) The Church of the Archangel Gabriel (Menshikov tower) (840)
8 大小主升天教堂 The great and Small of the ascension(churches) (844)
9 普京卡的圣母诞辰教堂 The Church of the Nativity of the virgin in Putinki (956)
10 费拉邦多夫修道院 Ferrapontov Monastery (902)
11 都市彼得教堂 Church of Metropolitan Peter(Pereslavl-Zalessky) (874)
12 法贝热博物馆 Fabergé Museum (875)
13 加加林博物馆 Gagarin Museum (876)
14 伊萨基辅桥遗址纪念碑 the monument to the site of the ISA Kiev Bridge (881)
15 斯特罗加诺夫宫 The Stroganovsky Palace (750)
16 莱蒙托夫博物馆 Lermontov Museum (764)
17 约翰列侬纪念博物馆 Temple of Love, Peace & Music (755)
18 康德大学 Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (803)
19 圣拉撒路大教堂 St Lazarus Church (832)
20 Rimsky-Korsakov 博物馆 Rimsky-Korsakov Flat-Museum (782)
21 圣尼古拉教堂 Svyato-Nikolskaya Church (761)
22 奥斯坦金诺的三位一体教堂 Trinity Church in Astatine (757)
23 Anatoly Sobchak民主博物馆 Anatoly Sobchak Museum on the Establishment of Democracy (807)
24 圣彼得堡州立宗教历史博物馆 Museum of the History of St. Petersburg Religion (773)
25 大宫殿 Great Palace in St. Petersburg (822)