滨海边疆区博物馆 Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>远东联邦管区>海参崴景点>> 热度(591)     评分(4.7)

滨海边疆区博物馆 Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva

 滨海边疆区博物馆  Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva   -0
 滨海边疆区博物馆  Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva   -1
 滨海边疆区博物馆  Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva   -2
 滨海边疆区博物馆  Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva   -3
 滨海边疆区博物馆  Primorskiy Gosudarstvennyy Obyedinennyy Muzey imeni V.K.Arsenyeva   -4


?博物馆里藏品,数量最多的是滨海边疆区的动植物标本。看那些动植物标本,多是我们所熟悉的,与我国东北三省的动植物没有什么太大的区别。 其中最奇特的当属我国民间传说中描绘的“四不象”,也就是麋鹿,较为可惜的是这座博物馆内仅仅保存了麋鹿的半身。在国内罕见的东北虎标本也被收藏在此,我国的东北虎濒临灭绝,在此便能有机会一睹它们的风姿。?

博物馆 历史建筑
游玩时间: 建议1-2小时
电话: +7-423-2411173
官方网站: http://arseniev.org/locations/vladivostok/main/



1 太平洋舰队博物馆 Pacific Fleet Museum (559)

2 远东苏维埃政权战士纪念碑 Square of the Fighters for the Soviet Power (626)

3 鹫巢瞭望台 The eagle nest lookout (551)

4 圣十字教堂 Holy Cross Cathedral (547)

5 主显节大教堂 Cathedral of the Epiphany (624)

6 伊尔库茨克游客中心 Tourist Information Center Irkutsk (547)

7 谢尔盖耶夫镇圣母升天大教堂 храма Успения (542)

8 托尔斯泰庄园 Yasnaya Polyana (534)

9 卫国战争胜利纪念馆 (557)

10 圣亚历山大修道院 St Alexander Monastery (557)

11 涅罗湖 (610)

12 马林斯基宫 (592)

13 猛犸博物馆 (601)

14 马卡罗夫将军纪念碑 (556)

15 君士坦丁大帝教堂 Tsar Constantine Church (571)

16 东方学院 FEFU International Admission (619)

17 Tauride Garden (Tavricheskiy Sad) Tauride Garden (Tavricheskiy Sad) (533)

18 彼得大帝小屋博物馆 (561)

19 Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (603)

20 Veliky Ustyug State Historical-Architectural & Art Museum Reserve Veliky Ustyug State Historical-Architectural & Art Museum Reserve (636)

21 Tosno Museum of Local Lore Tosno Museum of Local Lore (541)

22 Universe of Water Universe of Water (576)

23 Tikhvin Memorial Museum of History, Architecture and Art Tikhvin Memorial Museum of History, Architecture and Art (556)

24 The Exhibition complex "Vologda at the turn of the centuries" The Exhibition complex "Vologda at the turn of the centuries" (538)

25 State Museum Preserve of History, Architecture and Art State Museum Preserve of History, Architecture and Art (583)

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