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Parliament House位于澳大利亚阿德莱德,有着雄伟的灰色大理石柱,整座房子建筑精美,令人流连忘返。
1 Cotter Reserve Cotter Reserve (541)
2 贝里马 Berrima (584)
3 Canberra City Church Canberra City Church (579)
4 Corin Dam Corin Dam (556)
5 圣公会诸圣堂 All Saints Church (589)
6 堪培拉唐人街 Canberra Chinatown (592)
7 浸礼会 Canberra Baptist Church (609)
8 阿尔伯特大厅 Albert Hall (548)
9 Calthorpes' House Calthorpes' House (553)
10 Becker House Becker House (543)
11 ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St Paul ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St Paul (566)
12 Changi Chapel Changi Chapel (575)
13 CSIRO Discovery CSIRO Discovery (586)
14 ACT National Trust ACT National Trust (588)
15 巴特曼斯湾 Batemans Bay (558)
16 萨默维尔豪斯学校 Somerville House (584)
17 Mount Franklin Mount Franklin (599)
18 Fort Lytton National Park Fort Lytton National Park (567)
19 ACT Legislative Assembly ACT Legislative Assembly (575)
20 Sakyamuni Buddhist Centre Sakyamuni Buddhist Centre (603)
21 Naldham House Naldham House (568)
22 ACT Baha'i Centre ACT Baha'i Centre (554)
23 布里斯班海关大楼 Customs House (528)
24 圣派翠克大教堂 Catholic St. Patricks Church (611)
25 Sherwood Arboretum Sherwood Arboretum (542)