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1 Tree Adventures Tree Adventures (808)
2 Couldrey宅 Couldrey House (732)
3 冰雪星球 Snowplanet (739)
4 怀凯蒂山谷温泉 Waikite Valley Thermal Pools (808)
5 塔拉韦拉热水滩 Lake Tarawera's Hot Water Beach (728)
6 Flat Rock Reserve Flat Rock Reserve (736)
7 公主湾 Princess Bay (796)
8 总理府 Premier House (1843)
9 亚瑟山 Mount Arthur (851)
10 山地自行车公园 Woodhill Mountain Bike Park (830)
11 高德小屋 Golder Cottage (808)
12 惠灵顿市跨海大桥 City to Sea Bridge (843)
13 蝴蝶溪 Butterfly Creek (850)
14 Tohuna Torea自然保护区 Tohuna Torea Nature Reserve (853)
15 St. John's in the City St. John's in the City (777)
16 圣巴拿巴教堂 St Barnabas' Church (897)
17 Brendan海滩 Brendan Beach (803)
18 普利默顿海滩 Plimmerton Beach (819)
19 St Andrew's on the Terrace St Andrew's on the Terrace (826)
20 Breaker湾 Breaker Bay (881)
21 惠灵顿有轨电车博物馆 Wellington Tramway Museum (789)
22 博尔顿街公墓 Bolton Street Cemetery (818)
23 惠灵顿市图书馆 Wellington City Library (832)
24 圣保罗大教堂 Wellington Cathedral of St. Paul (818)
25 惠灵顿佛教中心 Wellington Buddhist Centre (853)