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瓦努阿岛又名万努来雾岛(Vanua Levu)是斐济的第2大岛,面积约为大岛的一半,位于大东岛东北方海面上,与第3大岛塔妙妮岛(Tavenmi)统称为“北区”。蔚蓝的海水环绕着层峦叠嶂,瀑布倾浑,雨林浓密。瓦努阿岛上的主要定居区兰巴萨(Lambasa)是尘土满地的甘蔗和椰子种植园。黑色火山岩、白色沙滩、高山雨林与丰富的海底景观,瓦努阿岛所拥有的自然资源构成了最佳旅游条件,岛上第2大城市莎雾(Savusavu)是斐济最佳潜水场地之一,此外赏岛、登山健行、泛独木舟、风帆船等等,都是深受欢迎的活动。 从大岛前往可搭乘国内线班机或渡轮(Ferry)抵达。
1 沙巴马尼亚湿婆庙 Sri Siva Subramaniya Swami Temple (2035)
2 罗特鲁瓦i-SITE Rotorua Visitor Information Centre - International Terminal (1007)
3 Tri Sail Charters Tri Sail Charters (1196)
4 世界穿着艺术及古董车博物馆 World of WearableArt & Classic Cars Museum (1125)
5 Altura Gardens and Wildlife Park Altura Gardens and Wildlife Park (1147)
6 Waipapa Point Lighthouse Waipapa Point Lighthouse (1180)
7 Picton i-SITE Visitor Information Centre Picton i-SITE Visitor Information Centre (1210)
9 Q Rabbit Playland Q Rabbit Playland (1102)
10 Kerosene Creek Kerosene Creek (1106)
11 新布莱顿博物馆 The New Brighton Museum (1114)
12 塔卡普纳海滩 Takapuna Beach (1252)
13 Surico Alpaca Surico Alpaca (1030)
14 棒棒糖乐园·咖啡屋 Lollipops Playland & Cafe (1209)
15 奥克兰王子码头i-SITE 游客信息中心 Auckland i-SITE Visitor Information Centre - Princes Wharf (1157)
16 Orewa Beach Orewa Beach (1090)
17 红岩保护区 Red Rocks Reserve (1124)
18 Great War Exhibition Great War Exhibition (1066)
19 Suzanne Aubert Compassion中心 Sisters of Compassion - Suzanne Aubert Compassion Centre (1085)
20 West Wave Aquatic and Recreation West Wave Aquatic and Recreation (1131)
21 总督湾 Governors Bay (1134)
22 Connells Bay Sculpture Park Connells Bay Sculpture Park (1103)
23 马尔堡博物馆 Marlborough Museum (1082)
24 区域大厦 Canterbury Provincial Buildings (1059)
25 库伊劳公园 Kuirau Park (1018)