Church of St. Michael and St. Anthony Church of St. Michael and St. Anthony  详细信息
位置:加拿大>魁北克省>蒙特利尔景点>> 热度(535)     评分(4.3)

Church of St. Michael and St. Anthony Church of St. Michael and St. Anthony


提示:地址:5580 Rue Saint-Urbain, Montreal, Quebec H2T 2X3, Canada
电话: 514-277-3300


1 Church of Saint John the Evangelist Church of Saint John the Evangelist (551)

2 St. James The Apostle Anglican Church St. James The Apostle Anglican Church (566)

3 The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul The Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul (566)

4 River's Edge Community Church River's Edge Community Church (558)

5 St. John the Divine Anglican Church St. John the Divine Anglican Church (558)

6 圣安妮圣公会教堂 St. Anne's Anglican Church (569)

7 The Guild Inn Gardens The Guild Inn Gardens (552)

8 St. George's Greek Orthodox Church St. George's Greek Orthodox Church (575)

9 St. Luke's United Church St. Luke's United Church (557)

10 东端的沃兹岛 Wards Island (528)

11 基督教科学派第一教堂 First Church of Christ, Scientist (591)

12 St. Andrew's Latvian Lutheran Church St. Andrew's Latvian Lutheran Church (572)

13 Timothy Eaton Memorial Church Timothy Eaton Memorial Church (534)

14 St. Patrick's Catholic Church St. Patrick's Catholic Church (568)

15 诺克斯长老会 Knox Presbyterian Church (592)

16 Musee de Lachine Musee de Lachine (551)

17 Cloud Gardens Park Cloud Gardens Park (573)

18 Robert Bateman Centre Robert Bateman Centre (651)

19 Snow Village Montreal Snow Village Montreal (551)

20 Prison des Patriotes Prison des Patriotes (558)

21 Gasoline Alley Museum Gasoline Alley Museum (535)

22 Stir Crazy Family Fun Centre Stir Crazy Family Fun Centre (598)

23 TommyKPlay TommyKPlay (585)

24 Prairie Chicken Sculpture Prairie Chicken Sculpture (581)

25 Peace Bridge Peace Bridge (534)

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