Park House Museum Park House Museum  详细信息
位置:加拿大>安大略省>Amherstburg景点>> 热度(672)     评分(3)

Park House Museum Park House Museum


提示:地址:214 Dalhousie Street | N9V 1W4, Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
电话: 519-736-2511

星期日 - 星期五 上午11点00分 - 下午4点00分


1 Amherstburg Costumes and Doll House Museum Amherstburg Costumes and Doll House Museum (635)

2 Gravenhurst Visitor Information Centre Gravenhurst Visitor Information Centre (593)

3 Bluffers Park Marina Bluffers Park Marina (636)

4 Le Musee des Maitres et Artisans du Quebec Le Musee des Maitres et Artisans du Quebec (630)

5 Bank of Montreal Museum Bank of Montreal Museum (607)

6 Steamship Terminal Steamship Terminal (623)

7 Yorkminster Park Baptist Church Yorkminster Park Baptist Church (645)

8 Aga Khan Museum Aga Khan Museum (596)

9 (616)

10 (637)

11 Toronto Railway Museum Toronto Railway Museum (650)

12 1250 boulevard René-Lévesque 1250 boulevard Rene-Levesque (635)

13 Craigflower Manor and Schoolhouse Craigflower Manor and Schoolhouse (583)

14 1000 de La Gauchetiere 1000 de La Gauchetiere (634)

15 Palais des Congres Palais des Congres (620)

16 Musée des Soeurs Grises Musee des Soeurs Grises (626)

17 Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) (598)

18 Ecomusee du Fier Monde Ecomusee du Fier Monde (584)

19 Native Canadian Centre of Toronto Native Canadian Centre of Toronto (572)

20 第三海滩 Third Beach (643)

21 太平洋矿石博物馆 Pacific Mineral Museum (576)

22 Cathedral of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Cathedral of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (614)

23 Unitarian Church of Vancouver Unitarian Church of Vancouver (698)

24 Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition Deeley Motorcycle Exhibition (606)

25 特托岛土著村庄 Turtle Island Aboriginal Experience (629)

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