Domaine Ives Hill Domaine Ives Hill  详细信息
位置:加拿大>魁北克省>Compton景点>> 热度(816)     评分(4)

Domaine Ives Hill Domaine Ives Hill


提示:地址:12 Chemin Boyce, Compton, Quebec J0B 1L0, Canada
学府 酒庄/酒厂 集市 文化旅游区
游玩时间: 建议2-3小时
电话: +1 819-837-0301

星期日 - 星期六 上午11点00分 - 下午5点00分


1 Hamilton Hobby Farm Hamilton Hobby Farm (849)

2 Heritage North Museum Heritage North Museum (822)

3 Lordly House Museum Lordly House Museum (853)

4 Pomeroy Sport Centre Pomeroy Sport Centre (799)

5 Fort St. John North Peace Museum Fort St. John North Peace Museum (812)

6 St. Stephen's Anglican Church St. Stephen's Anglican Church (827)

7 Valemount Visitor Information Centre Valemount Visitor Information Centre (838)

8 Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook (944)

9 (826)

10 Godefroy Ecological Park Godefroy Ecological Park (833)

11 Carmichael Stewart House Museum Carmichael Stewart House Museum (823)

12 Reynolds-Alberta Museum Reynolds-Alberta Museum (831)

13 Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame & Museum (843)

14 Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum (892)

15 Leduc. Recreation Centre Leduc. Recreation Centre (875)

16 Chase and District Museum and Archives Chase and District Museum and Archives (855)

17 A.A. MacDonald Memorial Gardens A.A. MacDonald Memorial Gardens (802)

18 Sundre & District Pioneer Village Museum Sundre & District Pioneer Village Museum (864)

19 Monkman Provincial Park Monkman Provincial Park (878)

20 Kayben Farms Kayben Farms (846)

21 (827)

22 Sydney and Louisbourg Railway Museum Sydney and Louisbourg Railway Museum (814)

23 Louisbourg Lighthouse Louisbourg Lighthouse (865)

24 Alert Bay Public Library and Museum Alert Bay Public Library and Museum (861)

25 CPR Station Museum CPR Station Museum (849)

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