Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village  详细信息
位置:加拿大>安大略省>桑德贝景点>> 热度(1060)     评分(3)

Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village Founders' Museum & Pioneer Village


提示:地址:Highway 61, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 4V2, Canada
电话: 807-475-5114

星期一 - 星期四 上午10点00分 - 下午4点00分


1 Loudon Park and Trail Loudon Park and Trail (1070)

2 Morrell Sanctuary Morrell Sanctuary (1146)

3 International Friendship Garden International Friendship Garden (1120)

4 Whitehern Historic House and Garden Whitehern Historic House and Garden (1055)

5 Erland Lee Museum Erland Lee Museum (1100)

6 Carisma Pentecostal Church Carisma Pentecostal Church (1088)

7 St. John's Anglican Cathedral St. John's Anglican Cathedral (1096)

8 Manitoba Legislative Building Manitoba Legislative Building (1070)

9 Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology (1096)

10 Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre (1056)

11 Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada (1073)

12 Seven Oaks House Museum Seven Oaks House Museum (1046)

13 Shaw Park Shaw Park (1061)

14 Air Force Heritage Park & Museum Air Force Heritage Park & Museum (1006)

15 Old Kildonan Presbyterian Church and Cemetery Old Kildonan Presbyterian Church and Cemetery (1065)

16 Keystone Pioneers Museum Keystone Pioneers Museum (1048)

17 Hanna Pioneer Museum & Village Hanna Pioneer Museum & Village (1074)

18 Beautiful Plains Museum Beautiful Plains Museum (1034)

19 Smokehouse Museum Smokehouse Museum (863)

20 Albert County Museum Albert County Museum (812)

21 Ellis Bird Farm Ellis Bird Farm (829)

22 New Brunswick Railway Museum New Brunswick Railway Museum (884)

23 Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Center Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Center (863)

24 Russell Hanson's Mounted Police Museum Russell Hanson's Mounted Police Museum (840)

25 Hooked Rug Museum of North America Hooked Rug Museum of North America (880)

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