Museum of the Word and Image Museum of the Word and Image  详细信息
位置:圣萨尔瓦多景点>>>> 热度(911)     评分(0)

Museum of the Word and Image Museum of the Word and Image


提示:地址:27 Ave North 1140, San Salvador, El Salvador
游玩时间: 建议2-3小时
电话: 2564-7005


1 Jardin Botanico La Laguna Jardin Botanico La Laguna (933)

2 Military Museum El Zapote Barracks Military Museum El Zapote Barracks (901)

3 Museu Nacional de Enfermagem Anna Nery Anna Nery national museum of nursing (984)

4 Stella Maris beach Stella Maris beach (930)

5 Ritmo Museum Ritmo Museum (902)

6 Museum of the Fire Department of the Military Police of Bahia Museum of the Fire Department of the Military Police of Bahia (985)

7 Palacio da Aclamacao Casa de Cerimonial Museum Palacio da Aclamacao Casa de Cerimonial Museum (925)

8 Museu da Cidade Cidade museum (970)

9 Forte de Santo Antonio Além do Carmo (da Capoeira) Santo Antonio Alem do Carmo (Capoeira) fort (952)

10 Museum of Gastronomy of Bahia Museum of Gastronomy of Bahia (950)

11 Santo Antonio da Barra fort and Nautic Museum Santo Antonio da Barra fort and Nautic Museum (949)

12 Museum of the Press Museum of the Press (988)

13 Museu do Cacau Museum of Cocoa (973)

14 Armacao beach Armacao beach (986)

15 National AfroBrazilian Museum National AfroBrazilian Museum (974)

16 Museu de Arqueológico e Etnologia Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology (942)

17 Sao Bento Museum Sao Bento Museum (945)

18 Legislative Memorial Legislative Memorial (1043)

19 Igreja Ordem Terceira So Domingos Gusmo Ordem Terceira Sao Domingos Gusmao church (1017)

20 Frei Germano Citeroni Museum Frei Germano Citeroni Museum (931)

21 Ile Ohun Lailai Museum Ile Ohun Lailai Museum (982)

22 Museum of Military College of Salvador Museum of Military College of Salvador (1007)

23 Museu Carlos Costa Pinto Carlos Costa Pinto Museum (948)

24 Brazilian Expeditionary Force Museum Brazilian Expeditionary Force Museum (889)

25 Museum of Sexuality of Bahia Museum of Sexuality of Bahia (941)

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