Reserva Beach Reserva Beach  详细信息
位置:巴西>里约热内卢州>里约热内卢景点>> 热度(683)     评分(4.5)

Reserva Beach Reserva Beach


提示:地址:Av. Sernambetiba, 9988 | Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
海滨/沙滩 户外运动


1 Museu de Arte do Rio - MAR Museu de Arte do Rio - MAR (640)

2 Igreja So Luís Gonzaga Igreja Sao Luis Gonzaga (679)

3 Igreja Nossa Senhora da Penna Igreja Nossa Senhora da Penna (714)

4 Fernando Vasconcellos Fernando Vasconcellos (654)

5 Núcleo Pedra Grande Nucleo Pedra Grande (651)

6 Monumento Nacional aos Mortos da Segunda Guerra Mundial Monumento Nacional aos Mortos da Segunda Guerra Mundial (673)

7 Matarazzo Building City Hall Of Sao Paulo Matarazzo Building City Hall Of Sao Paulo (691)

8 Cultural CAIXA Cultural CAIXA (653)

9 Jewish Culture Center Jewish Culture Center (637)

10 Orthodox Cathedral Orthodox Cathedral (692)

11 Modernist House Modernist House (657)

12 Museum House of the Bandeirante Museum House of the Bandeirante (690)

13 Church of the Third Order of Carmo Church of the Third Order of Carmo (639)

14 Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi Instituto Lina Bo e P. M. Bardi (725)

15 Igreja de So Francisco de Assis Igreja de Sao Francisco de Assis (688)

16 Casa das Canoas Casa das Canoas (667)

17 Michael Jackson Statue Michael Jackson Statue (674)

18 Youth Cultural Center - CCJ Youth Cultural Center - CCJ (701)

19 Exposicao India Exposicao India (735)

20 Obelisk of Sao Paulo Obelisk of Sao Paulo (692)

21 Priest Anchieta Museum Priest Anchieta Museum (666)

22 Our Lady of Aparecida Parish Our Lady of Aparecida Parish (683)

23 Transport Museum Transport Museum (617)

24 Foundation Maria Luiza and Oscar Americano Foundation Maria Luiza and Oscar Americano (672)

25 Japan Foudation Japan Foudation (708)

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