忠魂碑矗立在 万岁崖 边,背后是木栈道,可以下去近距离的站在崖边欣赏广袤太平洋不同颜色的海水,以及脚下惊涛拍岸的白色浪花。 历史背景 忠魂碑又称口香糖纪念碑,是日本人为了纪念二战时在此跳海自杀的日军而设立的。据说,来自韩国等二战受害国家的许多游客为了表示他们对日本的愤怒,把口香糖密密麻麻地粘在了忠魂碑上。因此,当地人给忠魂碑起了个外号。
1 Baltimore Museum of Art Baltimore Museum of Art (744)
2 USS Torsk (SS-423) USS Torsk (SS-423) (729)
3 Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument Union Soldiers and Sailors Monument (740)
4 Columbus Center Columbus Center (737)
5 Greek Town Greek Town (749)
6 Baltimore American Indian Center Baltimore American Indian Center (778)
7 Convention Center Convention Center (742)
8 Loudon Park Cemetery Loudon Park Cemetery (718)
9 Ocean City Coastguard Museum Ocean City Coastguard Museum (721)
10 Sostomo Trail Sostomo Trail (717)
11 Nicholas Canyon Beach Nicholas Canyon Beach (737)
12 Camarillo Public Library Camarillo Public Library (707)
13 Amarillo Civic Center Amarillo Civic Center (699)
14 B&A Trail B&A Trail (744)
15 Annapolis Towne Centre Annapolis Towne Centre (747)
16 St. Anne's Church St. Anne's Church (709)
17 Annapolis Maritime Museum Annapolis Maritime Museum (747)
18 Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse (732)
19 Baltimore Civil War Museum Baltimore Civil War Museum (753)
20 Natural History Society of Maryland Museum Natural History Society of Maryland Museum (733)
21 Jewish Museum of Maryland Jewish Museum of Maryland (681)
22 Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University (792)
23 Irish Railroad Workers Museum Irish Railroad Workers Museum (737)
24 Baltimore Streetcar Museum Baltimore Streetcar Museum (708)
25 Homewood Museum Homewood Museum (787)