酷数学在线免费数学网 coolmath.com 详细资料

酷数学在线免费数学网 coolmath.com

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酷数学在线免费数学网是一个免费的在校教育网站,提供数学课程、在校数学游戏、小程序等,适合于学习和数学爱好者,很多有趣的数学内容绝对让你对数学产生浓厚的乐趣。Coolmath网站是专门为那些受过挫折、感到困惑或对数学不感兴趣的学生设计的。它可以帮助数学成绩不理想的同学通过学习该网站上提供的内容达到另一个高度的学术目的。此外该网站也是为那些爱好数学的朋友设计的,在这里他们可以收获更多,让自己的数学提高到更高的水平。Coolmath has existed since the spring of 1997 and has grown to be THE most popular destination for math education (and fun) in the world.Coolmath was designed for the frustrated, the confused,the bored students of the world who hate math.Coolmath was designed for the students who just need to get through this stuff so they can reach their other academic goals.Coolmath was designed for the math geeks of the world who love math and want more, more, more!

Math games, problems, calculators, puzzles, and fun and for all levels.


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1  United States(72.4%)
2  China(10.4%)
3  India(2.2%)
4  Canada(1.8%)
5  United Kingdom(1.2%)

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网站常用标签 cool math games cool math cool maths games coolmath cool

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