美国国家野生动物联盟 nwf.org 详细资料

美国国家野生动物联盟 nwf.org

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美国国家野生动物联盟是一个致力于保护野生动物和维护野生动物栖息地的保护组织,致力于对野生动物的繁衍和维护大自然生态的可持续发展而努力。其中有一个项目:Campus Ecology帮助规划和实施大学校园绿色项目(Find out ways to make college campuses more green!)。在这个网上有Zhui新的校园环保年鉴,详细记录了美国大学的学生在推进校园可持续发展方面的努力和取得的成绩。完整的美国校园环保现状的评估报告,可以全文下载(PDF格式)。生态校园通讯随时与学生、老师和管理人员交流校园环保的Zhui新动态。生态校园研究站将在线指导你如何确定、设计和实施校园环境项目。Campus Ecology是美国野生动物联盟(National Wildlife Foundation)已经开展了10多年的一个校园环保项目,它旨在将美国的大学校园转变为生态可持续的示范社区,并培养新一代的环保人才。National Wildlife Federation is a voice for wildlife, dedicated to protecting wildlife and habitat and inspiring the future generation of conservationists.In the early 1900s, there was no nationwide constituency to support conservation. Many people cared about wildlife conservation, but nobody was organized in any fashion to advocate or influence policy decisions. In the words of founder Ding Darling, "Wildlife doesn't vote and neither do conservationists…"Darling dreamed of a federation promoting conservation interests, encouraging social diversity, and demanding action from Congress. His dream became reality in 1936 when he convinced President Franklin Roosevelt to convene more than 2,000 hunters, anglers and conservationists from across the country to the first North American Wildlife Conference in Washington, DC.There, the General Wildlife Federation (later changed to the National Wildlife Federation) was formed with the idea of uniting sportsmen and all outdoor and wildlife enthusiasts behind the common goal of conserv

Education, inspiration and assistance for individuals and organizations to conserve wildlife and other natural resources. Action links, and environment discussion board.


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1  United States(75.4%)
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3  Canada(4.8%)
4  United Kingdom(1.2%)
5  Australia(1.0%)

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网站常用标签 bat house ranger rick biodiversity asian carp great lakes bat houses

服务器信息 IP地址:

1 美国复兴 amren.com

2 ESRB的评级 esrb.org

3 anti-war antiwar.com

4 联盟领导人打击反犹太主义和恨ADL adl.org

5 Cato Institute cato.org

6 美国防止虐待动物协会官网 aspca.org

7 9.11国家纪念博物馆 911memorial.org

8 国内国际特赦组织 amnesty.org

9 日常倒霉事微博客 fmylife.com

10 美国公民自由联盟 aclu.org

11 大卫艾克揭露我们相信是真实的梦境 davidicke.com

12 血庄园纽约 bloodmanor.com

13 分享圣诞节:圣诞精神 allthingschristmas.com

14 在德克萨斯达拉斯堡!切割边缘的房子 cuttingedgehauntedhouse.com

15 年度家庭-澳大利亚奖 australianoftheyear.org.au

16 一天|军团之家 anzacday.org.au

17 Santa Claus Village claus.com

18 回家 australiaday.org.au

19 Carnaval.com carnaval.com

20 地狱鬼屋在亚特兰大、格鲁吉亚# 1闹鬼 fearworld.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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