儿童教育视频网 watchknowlearn.org 详细资料

儿童教育视频网 watchknowlearn.org

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儿童教育视频网是一个儿童教育类视频索引网站,提供一个大量免费儿童教育视频的网络索引,该平台并不会拥有和管理视频,只会提供嵌入视频的索引。WatchKnow.org不同于类似于TeacherTube和SchoolTube的教育视频索引。因为后者主要针对教师,而Watchknow.org主要针对儿童,教育他们如何学习。Watchknowlearn是一个非营利性的免费教育视频站点,他们的愿望就是假设成千上万的优秀视频短片和其他媒体将每个教授的主题都解释给学生听。假设他们被评分并归入巨大的目录中,以使查找方便。为实现这个目标,Watchknowlearn邀请教师、教员和教育工作者推荐能被收录至目录的视频,然后采用维基框架和理念,对那些视频进行审核和批准,并对其进行恰当分类。这些视频是从万维网上找到的Zhui优质视频,涵盖小学到中学(或 1-18 岁)的所有主要教育主题,而且儿童观看绝对安全! 已收录超过 20,000 个教育视频,将其整理成一个包含 3,000 多个类别的目录。这些视频每周七天、每天二十四小时免费提供给授课教师和在家学生,而无需任何注册费用。用户可以自由浏览Watchknowlearn的创新目录,或按照科目和年龄段进行搜索。为确保效用,视频标题、说明、年龄段和评分都得到编辑。Watchknowlearn网站在教师的指导下,采用一种新的维基系统,邀请广泛的参与。教育界人士对我们的网站反响极为热烈。只要我们继续共同努力,就能为全球学子打造一个奇妙的的免费教育资源宝库。To provide a world-class, online domain on which educators can store, categorize, and rate the best, K – 12 educational videos on the Internet today. And to make this service FREE so teachers, parents and students everywhere may have access to those videos.To make this a reality, we invite teachers, instructors and educators to suggest videos for inclusion into our directory, and then to review, approve, and assign those videos into appropriate categories using a wiki framework and philosophy. The videos are the highest quality found on the Internet, cover all major educational topics from elementary to secondary schools (or age range 1 – 18), and are Kid Safe because they are vetted by teachers.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(70.5%)
2  Egypt(2.8%)
3  Canada(2.3%)

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网站常用标签 educational videos educational videos for kids watchknowlearn

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25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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