英国无家可归护理协助组织 passage.org.uk 详细资料

英国无家可归护理协助组织 passage.org.uk

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英国无家可归护理协助组织是伦敦Zhui大的向无家可归的成年人提供日间护理协助的志愿者组织,包括提供食品、淋浴、洗衣等服务。组织有48床的招待所,在夜间紧急情况下,向无家可归者提供住宿或协助其转到独立住处。Our mission is to provide resources which encourage, inspire and challenge homeless people to transform their lives.Our organisation maintains a Vincentian ethos, respecting the beliefs and cultures of all who use The and work with us.3,975 people slept rough in London in the year to 31 March 2011 – a 8% increase . Our aim is to provide homeless people with support to transform their own lives.We welcome and treat clients with respect and dignity, find out what they need and want. We offer professional and appropriate advice and help according to the client needs and aspirations.We try to agree an action plan with clients which is time limited with the aim of supporting clients out of homelessness.As a Vincentian Organisation we are members of Vincentians in Partnerships


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