波兰吉斯凯尤科作品网 yerkaland.com 详细资料

波兰吉斯凯尤科作品网 yerkaland.com

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波兰吉斯凯尤科作品网是波兰优秀的梦幻艺术画家,从幼年开始,铅笔、画具、墨水、纸张、刷子,构成了他的美好世界,他的画中反复回旋着一种“家园”之感。Jacek Yerka,1952年出生于波兰,父母均毕业于美术学院,据说,他的灵感来自童年的记忆——那些风景、感受、味道和颜色。但是对美术史熟悉的观众一眼就能看出,他承续的是古典而精确的佛兰德风格。在希罗尼穆斯·博斯(Hieronymus Bosch)和老彼得·勃鲁盖尔(Pieter Bruegel)那里,Zhui精细的笔触描摹着Zhui离奇的想象。这个传统或明或暗一流五百年,到了亨利·卢梭和达利笔下,梦魇和现实融合为超现实主义,无疑,在美术史的意义上,Jacek Yerka是超现实主义的当代接班人。可是,Jacek Yerka的画中,有鲜明的“与众不同”的东西,这个东西是一种宇宙哲学,融合了宗教与科学、悖论与奇幻、自然与机器、过去与未来,Zhui关键的是,他的画中反复回旋着一种“家园”之感。在家园里,一个世界可能包含着另一个世界,一个世界可能威胁着另一个世界,一个世界可能期望着另一个世界,一个世界可能怀念另一个世界,一个世界可能基于另一个世界,一个世界可能飞向另一个世界……一个童话的甜美外壳,藏着神话的壮丽和恐怖。Jacek Yerka has won international awards for his art, and has had exhibitions in Warsaw, Dusseldorf, Los Angeles, Paris and London. He works and resides, with his family, in a rural enclave of his native Poland.Born in Poland in 1952, JACEK YERKA studied fine art and graphics prior to becoming a full-time artist in 1980.While at university, Yerka resisted the constant pressures of his instructors to adopt the less detailed, less realistic techniques that characterize so much of contemporary art.Instead, he stubbornly continued to work in the classic, meticulous Flemish style he still favors to this day.In the end, it was his teachers who eventually relented, finally recognizing their determined student as a brilliant (although troubling) talent.This site has been created as a result of cooperation between Mr Jacek Yerka and Agra-Art

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