基于浏览器的网站推荐插件工具 skrittle.com 详细资料

基于浏览器的网站推荐插件工具 skrittle.com

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基于浏览器的网站推荐插件工具是一个通过安装在浏览器上的插件工具,来为用户推荐类似的,用户喜欢的,或者说是通过搜索引擎来的相关网站,帮助用户快速的发现感兴趣的站点资源。在网站注册并获取插件工具,安装在相关的浏览器上面,你就可以正常使用了,喜欢的推荐就点击向上的手势,不喜欢的就点击向下的手势,经常使用该工具,就会获得更多的命中率高的网站资源了。 is Pandora for Websites. We suggest sites based on the current site You are on and what similar users like. We are a suggestive search engine.After you drag the Button to Your bookmark bar, You can get suggestions for Your next website to look at when You are on any website.Install the Button. Then when you are on any site, click the Button and the bouncy balls appear. The balls are websites and the images are videos. Find a site or video that sounds interesting and click on it to visit and explore that site.The sites that are being suggested to you are suggestions from similar users that like the current site you are on. If you end up visiting a site you don't like, click the Button and then click the thumbs down, then that site will never be suggested to you again. Any site you click the thumbs up for will appear on your bookmark page


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