免费开放式课程学习平台 openstudy.com 详细资料

免费开放式课程学习平台 openstudy.com

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免费开放式课程学习平台是一家允许用户免费创建学习小组的网站,也是一家社交学习网站,由乔治亚理工学院和埃默里大学创立,网站可以让用户协同工作,并回答对方各自的问题。公司目前有来自世界 170 个国家,1600所学校的100,000名学生用户。因为Open Study所有的计算能力,电子存储,安全备份,以及相关的通讯设施都可以从一个远程的服务提供商中打包购买,所以运作一家这样的创业公司,实际所需的物理设施就只是5台MacBook Air,把符合人体工程学设计的黑色椅子,一张桌子,以及一个够快的 wi-fi 而已。据的首席执行官菲尔·希尔的说法:“我们的目标是将更多的社交学习体验注入开放式课程,确保学习者不会孤单。看到这么多来自世界各地的人一起学习只是伟大的第一步。”卡森则表示全球因素很重要,并指出参与者发现几乎每时每刻学习小组中都有人在线。麻省理工学院和又增加了更多学习小组。现在已经有十门课有学习小组,仅仅就在两个礼拜内,已经有几百名学生注册加入。 is a social learning network where students ask questions, give help, and connect with other students studying the same things. Our mission is to make the world one large study group, regardless of school, location, or background.Like any successful startup, we work hard, have fun, and believe in what we do. We invite you to use us, join us, and spread the word. We want to change the way the world learns, and we'd love to have you be part of it. is a for profit business funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the Georgia Research Alliance. We're located at Georgia Tech's ATDC Center in Technology Square, Midtown Atlanta.


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1  United States(91.7%)
2  India(2.0%)
3  Canada(1.0%)
4  Pakistan(0.9%)

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