开放式天气预报地图 openweathermap.org 详细资料

开放式天气预报地图 openweathermap.org

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开放式天气预报地图是一个网络版的服务平台,提供免费的天气预报数据和预测,适合于任何地图类服务附加天气功能,开放网络和手机应用的API。的创办是基于OpenStreetMap和维基百科,本着共享开放的精神,把Zhui优秀的信息资源免费提供给用户使用。该平台的数据非常详细,每天的精准天气预报,一周预报、降水、风、云、气象观测等,雷达数据地图,该平台接入了来自全球的气象广播服务和超过40000个气象站的气象数据。 is a web service that provides free weather data and forecast API suitable for any cartographic services including web and smartphones applications. Ideology is inspired by OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia that make information free and available for everybody. wide range of weather data - map with current weather, week forecast, precipitation, wind, clouds, data from weather stations, data from radars. Weather data is recieved from global meterological broadcast services and more than 40 000 weather stations. is startup that offers free current weather data, forecasts and history data to the developers of web-services and mobile applications. As a data source it uses official meteorological broadcast services, raw data from airports weather stations, raw data from radars, and raw data from official weather stations. All data are processed by unique mathematical algorithms that can provide precise online weather forecast data flow and different weather maps like clouds and precipitations. On above of that the service is focused on social aspect by involving owners of weather stations to connect them to the service to let weather data be more accurate.We are seeking for investments


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  India(13.9%)
2  United States(7.6%)
3  Poland(7.0%)
4  Italy(4.7%)
5  Brazil(4.3%)

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网站常用标签 weather api google weather api openweathermap api free weather api

服务器信息 IP地址:

1 艺术壁纸分享网 dsktps.com

2 在线艺术品交易平台 allposters.com

3 可视化类聚搜索引擎 liveplasma.com

4 实时BT文件搜索引擎 youtorrent.com

5 MP3音乐博客聚合网 hypem.com

6 美国丝琪化妆品牌 sjalskincare.com

7 韩国爱茉莉太平洋官网 amorepacific.com

8 云图微动 fotoable.com

9 世界包装设计竞技网 pentawards.org

10 互联网资源搜索引擎 vitorrent.org

11 挪威国家博物馆 nasjonalmuseet.no

12 瑞典在线约会交友网 firstdate.com

13 芬兰国家画廊官网 fng.fi

14 芬兰图尔库美术馆 turuntaidemuseo.fi

15 印度国家博物馆 indianmuseumkolkata.org

16 Rama9Art rama9art.org

17 日本德川美术馆 tokugawa-art-museum.jp

18 谷歌交互试验室 chromeweblab.com

19 社会化图片浏览应用 cooliris.com

20 电子购物一站式会员卡 appcard.com

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

24 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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