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免费儿童电子书下载网 epubbud.com

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免费儿童电子书下载网是一个非营利性的儿童电子书发现、分享下载的网站,支持iPad的EPUB文件格式电子书籍,需要安装ibook应用来下载。支持iPad、iPhone和iPod touch,使用浏览器访问该网站,安装ibooks插件,浏览网站上的电子书,点击下载即可阅读。To open them on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch, you just need to make sure you have the newest version of iBooks installed.. then click on the "Download eBook" link for the book you want!To open them on a computer (all platforms), we recommend first using the Mozilla Firefox Web Browser, then adding the free EPUBReader plugin.You could also use the free Adobe Digital Editions software (use CTRL-O to add ePubs to the in-app library) to read them on a computer (Windows and Mac OS), but it's a little weird sometimes.If you have a Barnes & Noble NOOKcolor download the epub using the built-in web browser, then go to "Library > My Files > My Documents" and tap the epub files there! (You can also copy them via USB like you do with the original Nook.)On an original Nook or Nook Simple Touch download them to your computer, then connect the nook via USB and copy the epub files to its "Documents" folder!


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