女性大众兴趣话题资讯网 thehairpin.com 详细资料

女性大众兴趣话题资讯网 thehairpin.com

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女性大众兴趣话题资讯网是一个关注大众兴趣的女性网站,由Edith Zimmerman和Jane Marie共同编辑。该网站上的所有话题均是针对女性读者策划和撰写的,每天都会有值得阅读的文章话题。提供原创的内容,以文档、视频、插图、视频媒体形式发布,主要栏目有咨询、阅读、音乐、健康、聚合、旅游等。Hello and welcome! The Hairpin is a women's website, and it's also a small tool for keeping your hair in place, and a kind of dramatic turn. For more information on those hairpins, stay on this page or slowly click through our entire archive — there's surely something back there to answer your questions.More about us: The Hairpin is a general-interest blog, meaning we link to the stories of the day that appeal to us, and is a women's site insofar as it is run by women, features writing by women (and men), and is mostly read by women. In addition to commentary on the day's offerings, we feature original content from our contributors, in the form of text, video, illustration, and maybe eventually even media that hasn't been invented yet. If you'd like to submit original, unpublished content, please do (submissions@)! Send us a detailed outline or draft of what you'd like to write, either as a Word document or in the body of an email (1,000 words is a good maximum to aim for, although we're very flexible on both ends). For personal essays, a first draft is preferable. We are a small staff and apologize that we can't personally give feedback for each pitch we receive, but we will be in touch directly and promptly if your piece is a potenti


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1  United States(57.8%)
2  India(6.3%)
3  United Kingdom(4.6%)
4  France(4.4%)
5  Canada(3.6%)

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网站常用标签 dorothy dandridge pool snackwave polka dots paul newman herpes

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物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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