在线素描绘画教学网 详细资料


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在线素描绘画教学网是由一位绘画爱好者米奇提供的免费素描绘画教学网站,米奇致力于视频游戏绘画创作,插画创作、平面设计师等专业,为了帮助更多喜欢画画的人们提供实际有用的教学内容而创办了该网站。Learn how to draw and improve your skill in no time with the help of an online coach. Whether you're an art teacher, art student, or just a hobbyist artist you will find the step by step education that will give you the ability to bring those images in your mind into paper reality.I spend a lot of time looking at and evaluating art as the creative director of a computer game company. I also spend a lot of time sketching so that I can communicate my artistic ideas to the talented people I work with. This is a subject I've known and loved since I was a child and I'm fortunate enough to have even made a career out of my art ability.Being able to sketch with confidence is a truly great feeling, but sometimes it can be really tough, especially when you are just starting to learn how to draw! Maybe you have said this yourself in the past, but whenever I hear someone say that they 'can't,' or that they 'suck' - it's like fingernails on a chalkboard! It simply isn't true! Like anything else in life - you're not going to be great the first time give it a try, but with a little practice you will really begin to amaze yourself.Don't let me scare you though! Learning how to draw won't be nearly as hard as you may think it is, and I'll be here to help make your transition from stick-man artist into a modern day Leo


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