产品购物点评社区 toutpost.com 详细资料

产品购物点评社区 toutpost.com

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产品购物点评社区是一个由众多专家和爱好者组成的帮助买家进行产品和品牌购买的点评社区,帮助用户购买决策的评价网站,希望将专家、专业买家给聚集起来,为你在选择困难的时候指条明路,告诉你选择那个品牌或产品。除了对产品或品牌有 PK、抬杠争论外(比如选 PC 好还是选 Mac 好),网站还会有专家、发言者的权威评分机制。目前 Toutpost 上线 6 周,已经吸引了 6000 名用户在上面发表意见。Toutpost is a site for you and your friends to find the best information on the products you're interested in, and share your knowledge and opinions about the things you love.Toutpost is a portmanteau (a combination of two words). Tout is an old word meaning to promote something in an aggressive or bold manner. Post in this context means to submit something to the internet. You do both here, promoting and defending the products you love by creating posts.

内容提要: Posted on August 23, 2016November 18, 2016 by toutpost 0 How to Remove Your Saved Facebook Login and PasswordWhen you are usingFacebook Login ...


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