世界人口展示平台 详细资料


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世界人口展示平台是一个基于网络的世界人口科普网站,它形象的将地球中的每一个人化作一个图标满满的放到一个网页当中,以大洲为代表用颜色区分,我们可以很直观的看到地球上的人摞在一块是个什么样子。早在2011年10月31日,全球人口就已达到70亿,这个网站也是当时创建出来的,目前全球人已经达到尽72亿,拉动屏幕的时候你可能无法知道这个页面到底有多大,点击页面上方的how big is this page?就可以知道大概了The idea was developed and implemented by Worldometers.We believe that this special webpage carries strong philosophical, symbolic, and aesthetic attributes.Even the mathematics behind the implementation of this page is deeply fascinating.7 Billion people so beautifully displayed together on a single webpage is a visual testament of the human condition of every single one of us, and all of us together, on our planet earth.It is available on the internet for everybody in the world to watch at any time, adding to the feeling of sharing something in common.It is also a snapshot of an extraordinary moment in history: the exact instant when we reached 7 billion people on earth, captured on October 31, 2011 at 5:49:16 GMT.

内容提要:The entire world population of seven billion people visualized on a single web page, one by one...
70亿世界- 1页上的70亿人
7 Billion World - 7 billion people on 1 page


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(35.0%)
2  Indonesia(17.5%)

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网站常用标签 how many people are in the world how many people in the world

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