免费商业产品推介平台 aegora.com 详细资料

免费商业产品推介平台 aegora.com

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免费商业产品推介平台是一个国外的企业产品互联网营销推广网站,帮助企业介绍和发现新客户,并且有效的管理企业的营销相关业务,集合LinkedIn平台,用户可以把自己的产品推广的世界各地。平台帮助用户建立专业的产品营销网络平台,用户可以通过网络与朋友、同事和志同道合的专业人士一起把自己的产品或项目推广出去,一般情况下用户推广自己的产品都是单打独斗,有了平台用户就可以把自己互联网中的人脉关系利用起来一起推广。另一方面对于买家而言从熟人哪里获得的信息是决定购买的一个很重要的因素,通过熟人认识企业的销售人员,这样能够快速的提高交易。If I said to you that I could introduce you to a business network that helped you promote your business, network with friends and colleagues, find great new clients and manage them efficiently and then I told you that it was free you would be silly not to jump at it, wouldn't you? Well, welcome to - a professional marketplace where you can do all those things and more. Promote your business, brand or yourself if you are a freelancer Or can even be used as an employment vehicle to hire great professionals that have been recommended to you by your friends - if and when you plan to expand. lets you leverage your professional network to build your business and potentially make more money. This networking application gives you the chance to promote yourself and your business and do it for free. You can network with friends, colleagues and like-minded professionals and find high-quality clients in your trusted network. Then hire trusted professionals recommended by friends and manage your projects and get paid automatically. So how does work for everybody? Well, networkers represent and promote their product, service or brand but usually

内容提要:Aegora is the global professional marketplace, where entrepreneurs and consultants meet, network, buy and sell services safely....


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