德克萨斯州音乐节官网 sxsw.com 详细资料

德克萨斯州音乐节官网 sxsw.com

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德克萨斯州音乐节官网是美国德克萨斯州一个很有影响力的音乐/电影盛会,可能是世界上规模Zhui大的音乐盛典。每年都有来自世界各地的上千万的音乐人,乐队报名参加。SXSW是英文South By Southwest(西南边的南边,这是德州的地理位置)的简写。西南偏南大会(SXSW/South by Southwest)是每年在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀举行的一系列电影、音乐和多媒体交互式的节日。首届西南偏南始于1987年。联合创始人路易斯·布莱克因希区柯克的电影《西北偏北》而起名叫西南偏南。所有大小唱片公司及媒体都会派代表到场,在一千多场演出之间奔波。很多还没有被签约的乐队,也希望能借他们在SXSW的演出,吸引媒体,唱片公司的注意力。SXSW音乐节的Zhui大特色就是每个演出的场地都离得非常近,而且周围有不同的酒吧,俱乐部,所以乐队,乐评人,唱片公司的老板,乐迷们在演出结束之后,都有一个近距离接触的机会。The South by Southwest® (SXSW®) Conferences & Festivals offer the unique convergence of original music, independent films, and emerging technologies. Fostering creative and professional growth alike, SXSW is the premier destination for discovery.Year after year, the event is a launching pad for new creative content. New media presentations, music showcases and film screenings provide buzz-generating exposure for creators and compelling entertainment for audiences.Conference panel discussions present a forum for learning, business activity thrives at the SXSW Trade Show: The Exhibition for Creative Industries and global networking opportunities abound. Austin serves as the perfect backdrop for SXSW®, where career development flourishes amid the relaxed atmosphere. Intellectual and creative intermingling among industry leaders continues to spark new ideas and carve the path for the future of each ever-evolving field, long after the events' conclusion.


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