WordPress插件和主题测试工具 wptest.io 详细资料

WordPress插件和主题测试工具 wptest.io

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WordPress插件和主题测试工具是一款基于wordpress建站程序全面检测其插件和主题完整性的工具,可以帮助站长进行详细测试,并获得完整的测试数据。wpTest的测试都是基于WordPress的主题单元测试法典数据,针对你的博客进行全方位的评测并且会提示你该插件或者主题缺少的元素,至于更加详细的测试方案,用户可以查看其DEMO。WP Test is a fantastically exhaustive set of test data to measure the integrity of your plugins and themes.The foundation of these tests are derived from WordPress’ Theme Unit Test Codex data. It’s paired with lessons learned from over three years of theme and plugin support, and baffling corner cases, to create a potent cocktail of simulated, quirky user content.The word “comprehensive” was purposely left off this description. It’s not. There will always be something new squarely scenario to test. That’s where you come in. Let us know of a test we’re not covering. We’d love to squash it.


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1  India(19.8%)
2  Germany(18.9%)

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网站常用标签 wordpress test wp test test wordpress online test wordpress theme

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