我的音乐唱片收藏网 myrecordlist.com 详细资料

我的音乐唱片收藏网 myrecordlist.com

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我的音乐唱片收藏网是一个国外的音乐爱好者创办了收藏经典CD、音乐专辑、黑胶唱片、光盘、磁带等音乐制材的站点,喜欢音乐的用户可以从这里翻出来很多老唱片。 支持交互式的抽藏,方便音乐粉丝管理自己的唱片列表,详细的记录没一张唱片的概述、图片库、多视图显示你的抽藏列表,同时还支持智能排序功能,用户可以筛选出自己喜欢的艺术家,也可以通过标签的模式来记录每一张唱片的曲风。We understand how frustrating advertising can be and the only nagging message you will see is this note asking you to kindly donate whatever you can afford if you use the site regularly or would just like to support a small independent project created for the love of music and record collections.The running costs are not huge but could become more significant in the future so any donations to show appreciation would be amazing. I would like to emphasise was created for the love, not the money so kind words and likes/shares are just as appreciated too if you can't spare any cash - we hope you enjoy the site!

内容提要: MyRecordList works well on most Smartphones and Tablets (and also has a pretty home screen icon) - check your collection while in the shop or on-...


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