个性化邮箱手机管理应用 mymail.my.com 详细资料

个性化邮箱手机管理应用 mymail.my.com

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个性化邮箱手机管理应用是一款帮助用户每天检测多个邮箱的手机管理应用,用户可以把多个邮箱地址汇集在一起统一管理,只要安装手机端就管理管理多个平台的邮箱,并且可以帮助用户推送Zhui新的邮箱信息,即时处理不同邮箱收到的邮件,避免频繁登录邮箱的麻烦。应用支持的邮箱平台有Gmail、Hotmail、outlook、MSN、AOL、雅虎等主流邮箱平台还支持IMAP和POP3功能,扁平化设计,时尚和使用的友好的使用界面,专业的过滤功能避免垃圾邮件的骚扰,采用先进的数据压缩技术帮助你节省流量。Zhui重要的功能就是邮件推送通知功能了。如果你找不到合适的手机邮箱管理应用不妨试试这个优秀的手机邮件管理应用工具吧,绝对满足你的要求。How many email accounts do you have to check each day? Three? Four? Ten?!!! Apart from the time aspect, it's a pain in the ass having to remember account names and passwords. So, it makes sense to use an app that merges all of your email accounts together into one place. MyMail is a fully personalized email and productivity application that puts you in full-control of your inbox and let's you see all your accounts on one page using your mobile phone. Not only that but you will get push notifications with new messages to make communication virtually immediate.If half a dozen accounts are driving you crazy then all you have to do is to add them all to myMail to see them all in the one app and you can easily switch between them with just one tap. MyMail brings all of your email accounts to one place with this easy-to-use email application for mobiles. What’s more, it will send out Push notifications of incoming emails even if your email service doesn't support them. These notifications can be customized so you can see which account they came from or at which time of the day they were received Alternatively, you can simply send t


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