摩托车骑行天下游记网 modernmotodiaries.com 详细资料

摩托车骑行天下游记网 modernmotodiaries.com

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摩托车骑行天下游记网是一个热爱去世界各地冒险的摩托车手创办的网站,他的名字叫亚历克斯,是一个公共演说家,专业摄影师,爱好摩托车运动,值得推荐的是因为他汽车摩托车走遍了世界各地,你可以在他的网站上跟着他看遍世界各地的风景。亚历克斯Zhui有名的探险是一个人经历500天的形成从阿拉斯加到阿根廷,一路之上筹集资金来救助孤儿院,由于他的经历收到世界各地人士的关注,他的图片、视频在各大社交平台流行,有一个在Youtube视频网站上的影片,记录了他用摄像机拍着的同一个同坐的500个不同的地方,如果你喜欢这样的生活,那就去感受他的世界之旅吧。Alex Chacón is an adventure rider, public speaker, professional photographer, videographer and presenter. He attends professional conferences, film festivals, and events around the world to speak about his challenging and charitable expeditions on various motorcycles around the world while continuing to ride and tour on varied projects.Alex is a leader on the cutting edge in motorcycle adventure riding/exploring, contributing to major motorcycle magazines, working as a professional free-lance photographer for companies and well recognized brand names in the industry and collaborating in product development of prototype gear with testing and production. He currently runs the only motorcycle consulting business in the world for travel in Latin America where he occasionally runs tours.

内容提要:Alex is the most recognized Motorcycle Adventure Rider in the world, Selfie Expert and international traveler/blogger/social influencer in his generation....


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