加拿大女权主义杂志 gutsmagazine.ca 详细资料

加拿大女权主义杂志 gutsmagazine.ca

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《》杂志是一个由志愿者经营的加拿大女权主义杂志,一年两期,主要以散文、小说、长新闻、访谈等女权主义话题、评论为主,致力于组织加拿大的女权主义者,推进男女平等,保障女性权益等,获得2015年Zhui佳封面。GUTS is a digital, volunteer-run Canadian feminist magazine and blog. Our biannual magazine publishes literary essays and reviews, long-form journalism, interviews, fiction, and new media to further feminist discourse, criticism, and community engagement in Canada. Our blog regularly posts informal and accessible content featuring up-and-coming feminist projects and persons of interest, short essays, prose, letters, reviews, updates, and rants.Encouraged by the wide range of thought and experience that exists within the young Canadian feminist movement, GUTS supports new and emerging writers and is committed to soliciting a diversity of voices.Through the collective interpretation of Canadian feminist issues, GUTS hopes to provide insight into the systemic forces and intersecting oppressions that isolate women and trans-identified people across this vast country. GUTS strives to create a forum for a new kind of correspondence.


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1  Canada(40.1%)
2  United States(27.7%)

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网站常用标签 guts gentrification kaitlyn boulding gentrified feminist baby shower

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