
Uzhgorod University Botanic Garden Uzhgorod University Botanic Garden 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Zakarpattya Lore Museum Zakarpattya Lore Museum 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Ignatiy Roshkovych Monument Ignatiy Roshkovych Monument 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Andriy Kotska Memorial Museum Andriy Kotska Memorial Museum 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Subcarpathian Rus' Museum of Folk Architecture and Customs Subcarpathian Rus' Museum of Folk Architecture and Customs 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Kalvaria Cemetery Kalvaria Cemetery 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:0
St.George Church St.George Church 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:2
Pedestrian Bridge Pedestrian Bridge 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Goryany Rotunda - St. Anna Church Goryany Rotunda - St. Anna Church 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Ilko Gallery Ilko Gallery 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:3
Alpine Garden Alpine Garden 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Lamplighter Statue Lamplighter Statue 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:4
Little Freedom Lighthouse Little Freedom Lighthouse 乌日霍罗德景点 评分:3
Arms History Museum Arms History Museum 扎波罗热景点 评分:4
Faeton Retro Cars Museum Faeton Retro Cars Museum 扎波罗热景点 评分:4
Merciful God Father Rome Catholic Church Merciful God Father Rome Catholic Church 扎波罗热景点 评分:3
Motor Sich Aviation Museum Motor Sich Aviation Museum 扎波罗热景点 评分:3
Holy Protection Cathedral Holy Protection Cathedral 扎波罗热景点 评分:4
Livadia Palace Livadia Palace livadiya景点 评分:0
Mukacheve Town Hall Mukacheve Town Hall Mukacheve景点 评分:0
Madonna Assumption Greek-Catholic Church Madonna Assumption Greek-Catholic Church Mukacheve景点 评分:0
Mukacheve Church of the Assumption Mukacheve Church of the Assumption Mukacheve景点 评分:0
Palanok Castle Palanok Castle Mukacheve景点 评分:0
St. Cyril and Methodius Monument St. Cyril and Methodius Monument Mukacheve景点 评分:0
St. Joseph Chapel St. Joseph Chapel Mukacheve景点 评分:0
St.Martin Cathedral St.Martin Cathedral Mukacheve景点 评分:0
St. Nicholas Monastery St. Nicholas Monastery Mukacheve景点 评分:0
Mukacheve Picture Gallery Mukacheve Picture Gallery Mukacheve景点 评分:0
Princess Maria Rivnenska Monument Princess Maria Rivnenska Monument Rivne景点 评分:4
Holy Resurrection Cathedral Holy Resurrection Cathedral Rivne景点 评分:5
Assumption (wooden) Church Assumption (wooden) Church Rivne景点 评分:4.8
St. Antony Cathedral St. Antony Cathedral Rivne景点 评分:4.5
Amber Museum Amber Museum Rivne景点 评分:5
Rivne Regional Lore Museum Rivne Regional Lore Museum Rivne景点 评分:5
Херсонский областной художественный музей Kherson Regional Art Museum Kherson景点 评分:0
Екатерининский собор St. Catherine's Cathedral Kherson景点 评分:0
Korolenko Museum Korolenko Museum 日托米尔景点 评分:4
St. Sophia Cathedral St. Sophia Cathedral 日托米尔景点 评分:3
Sergiy Korolyov Astronautics Museum Sergiy Korolyov Astronautics Museum 日托米尔景点 评分:4
St. Jonah from Duklya Cathedral St. Jonah from Duklya Cathedral 日托米尔景点 评分:4
Crafts Courtyard Museum Crafts Courtyard Museum 日托米尔景点 评分:3
Botanic Garden of Zhytomyr Agrarian University Botanic Garden of Zhytomyr Agrarian University 日托米尔景点 评分:3
Cross Exaltation Cathedral Cross Exaltation Cathedral 日托米尔景点 评分:4
Polish Cemetery Polish Cemetery 日托米尔景点 评分:3.5
St. Michael Archangel Cathedral St. Michael Archangel Cathedral 日托米尔景点 评分:3
Saviour-Transfiguration Cathedral Saviour-Transfiguration Cathedral 日托米尔景点 评分:3
Lesya Ukrainka Museum of Volyn National University Lesya Ukrainka Museum of Volyn National University Luts'k景点 评分:0
Lutsk Art Museum Lutsk Art Museum Luts'k景点 评分:0
Музей волынской иконы Museum of Volyn Icon Luts'k景点 评分:0
Pokrovska Church Pokrovska Church Luts'k景点 评分:0

1 基辅圣索菲亚教堂 St. Sophia Cathedral (1898)

2 平丘克艺术中心 Pinchuk Art Centre (1809)

3 基辅金门 Golden Gate (1802)

4 波炎家族小堂 Chapel of the Boim family (1794)

5 梅扎沙洛夫铁棕榈 The Mertsalov’s Palm (1784)

6 乌俄两族友谊拱 Friendship of Nations Arch (1780)

7 卫国战争博物馆 Museum of the Great Patriotic War (1771)

8 耶稣会圣伯多禄圣保禄堂 St. Peter and St. Paul Church of the Jesuit Order (1769)

9 基辅独立广场 Maidan Nezalezhnosti (1765)

10 国立大饥荒受害者纪念博物馆 National Museum“The Memorial in Commemoration of Famines'Victims in Ukraine” (1754)

11 基辅洞窟修道院 Kyiv Pechersk Lavra (1751)

12 利沃夫市集广场 Rynok Square (1739)

13 亚美尼亚圣母升天大教堂 Armenian Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary (1738)

14 敖德萨阶梯 (1735)

15 哈尔科夫植物园 Botanical Garden of Kharkiv (1717)

16 圣弗拉基米尔大教堂 St Volodymyr's Cathedral (1714)

17 冶金球场 Metalist Stadium (1713)

18 普托斯基邸 Pototsky Palace (1713)

19 乌克兰“坦克坟场” (1709)

20 安德烈斜坡 Andriyivskyy Descent (1705)

21 切尔诺贝利博物馆 National Museum “Chernobyl” (1680)

22 利沃夫市政厅 Town Hall in Lviv (1665)

23 圣米迦勒金顶修道院 St Michael’s Gold-Domed Monastery (1663)

24 自由广场 Ploshcha Povstannya (1660)

25 竹林寺 Chua Truc Lam (1659)

26 顿巴斯竞技场 Donbass Arena (1658)

27 基辅圣安德烈教堂 St Andrew’s Church (1658)

28 爱情隧道 Tunnel of Love (1657)

29 基辅奥林匹克国家体育场 Olimpiysky National Sports Complex (1639)

30 乌克兰国家艺术博物馆 National Art Museum (1632)

31 乌克兰民间艺术博物馆 Museum of Ukrainian folk art (1631)

32 画廊36 Gallery 36 (1630)

33 圣乔治大教堂 St. George's Cathedral (1629)

34 敖德萨母亲桥 Mother-In-Law Bridge (1628)

35 国立卫国战争历史博物馆 National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War (1622)

36 镜子泉 Mirror Stream (1621)

37 东正教圣母升天教堂 Orthodox Assumption Church (1617)

38 利沃夫高堡 Lviv High Castle (1615)

39 铁艺公园 Park of Forged Figures (1608)

40 达·芬奇展览馆 Da Vinci Gallery (1606)

41 乌克兰哈尔科夫工艺美术学院 Харквська державна академя дизайну мистецтв (1605)

42 军器厂艺术馆 Mystetskyi Arsenal (1605)

43 哈尔科夫美术馆 Kharkiv Art Museum (1604)

44 民间建筑与生活博物馆 Pyrohovo Museum of Folk Architecture/Folk Architecture and Life Museum (1601)

45 利沃夫体育馆 Arena Lviv (1598)

46 利沃夫武库 Мський арсенал (1595)

47 银鲛宅 House with Chimaeras (1595)

48 罗巴诺夫斯基迪纳摩球场 Valeriy Lobanovskyi Dynamo Stadium (1586)

49 列宁广场 Ploshcha Lenina (1584)

50 耶稣显圣大教堂 Cathedral Transfiguration of Jesus (1566)

51 顿涅茨克植物园 Donetsk Botanic Garden (1564)

52 哈尔科夫历史博物馆 Kharkov Historical Museum (1535)

53 利沃夫歌剧芭蕾舞剧院 Opera and Ballet Theatre of Solomiya Krushelnytska (1528)

54 顿涅茨克地区艺术馆 Donetsk Regional Art Museum (1526)

55 普希金大道 Pushkin Boulevard (1510)

56 基辅水上公园 Hidropark (1507)

57 一条街博物馆 Museum of One Street (1506)

58 波蒂区 Podil Raion (1499)

59 利查基夫墓地 Lychakiv Cemetery (1484)

60 民俗与手工艺术博物馆 (1476)

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