印度在线流媒体音乐平台 dhingana.com 详细资料

印度在线流媒体音乐平台 dhingana.com

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印度在线流媒体音乐平台是印度Zhui大的流媒体音乐在线服务提供商,可以说是印度版的Spotify;该服务提供超过35万首免费点播歌曲,涵盖了35种印度语言和各种音乐风格。自2007年发布以来,统计数据显示Dhingana目前在Android、iOS、BlackBerry、Symbian平台及其自身网站上共拥有1500万月活跃用户,这一数据与音乐网站Spotify不相上下。在2007年成立于硅谷的Dhingana公司却把注意力放在了新兴的印度市场上。由于音乐在印度的文化发展中有着极其重要的作用,所以Dhingana在很短时间内就实现蓬勃发展并获得巨大成功。当然,Dhingana在发展的过程中也遇到了各种困难,比如印度有数十种语言,这就对音乐的目录分类提出了巨大挑战,目前Dhingana的音乐库里有50万首歌曲,涉及38种语言,包括北印度语、马拉地语、泰米尔语、泰卢固语、旁遮普语、孟加拉语、灵修语等等。Listen to songs from Hindi Movies, Bollywood Albums & all other Indian languages including Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and more on Dhingana for FREE.Dhingana is the largest online collection of Indian music. Our catalog gives you instant access to music from every corner of India, be it Hindi, Tamil, Punjabi or any other language.Dhingana’s mission is to help you and your friends discover and share music from India. No matter where you live, with Dhingana and Facebook you can discover what your friends are listening to, and share your play lists, favorite songs and albums with your friends with one click. Music is meant to be shared - Dhingana makes it possible for the world to enjoy the music we love.


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