美国Gpotato网络游戏代理平台 gpotato.com 详细资料

美国Gpotato网络游戏代理平台 gpotato.com

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美国Gpotato网络游戏代理平台是北美地区顶级的在线视频游戏和免费游戏门户网站,你可以从这儿体验英文版的大型网络角色扮演游戏。你还可以体验客户团和浏览器MMO游戏,这些在北美洲都是免费的。Gpotato拥有世界网络游戏有巫师之怒、永恒的刀片、雪睛、Sevencore、飞飞、艾卡在线、大航海时代等游戏资源。现在免费注册,加入gPotato的在线游戏社区,与游戏玩家一决胜负。The Gala Group was founded in Japan in 1993 by Satoru Kikugawa, the Group CEO. With the realization that online communities are uniquely powerful places for people to gather and connect, Gala set out to create online communities with offerings such as www.friends.jp, Dentsu Buzz Marketing and other managed community businesses.Going public on the Hercules (Previously NASDAQ JAPAN) in 2000, Gala Inc. (ticker4777) soon observed that massively multiplayer gaming was creating uniquely strong online communities, it acquired Korean development houses Aeonsoft and Nflavor, as well as a minority stake in NChannel.Gala-Net games are not distributed at retail as is the norm in the West, and further by avoiding the subscription model favored by Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) Companies in the West. Instead, the business model for these new games was to be micro-transaction-based, also known as Free to Play. Because players can get and play a game for free, and then decide if they want to pay any money to enjoy the experience further, the “economic toll-booth” is much further back from a player’s point of view. This is win-win for the players and Gala-Net the players get a great game experience at no risk, and Gala-Net gets a wide ba


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