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社会化作家创作博客平台是一个针对爱好写作的作家创办的博客平台网站,让那些爱好码字的用户能够轻松的抒写,记录生活中的点点滴滴,同时链接了各大交友平台,可以很方便的分享自己的创作文本。博客平台旨在建华创作和发布内容,帮助作家随时随地创建和管理自己的文章草稿,帮助作家们轻松的存放图片和视频内容,链接Instagram、Picasa、Flickr和Youtube,让作家们简化一切流程,很惬意的创作自己的故事。The art of blogging is a tough one and, while there are a lot of really interesting writers out there just waiting to be heard, it's not quite so easy to get your message across. And, therein lies the biggest problem with blogging - getting your voice heard! is a community for writers that takes blogging social and creates a place where you can display your articles and publish your work in minutes. Connect your Instagram or Flickr accounts and embellish your work with photos while adding your Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+ accounts to complete your social picture.Thanks to the internet, everyone has the potential to be a writer publishing their thoughts. pushes that potential even further by putting the social into blogging and lets you start publishing, reach a bigger audience and gain new followers in a matter of minutes. is a publishing engine where the content is ranked and highlighted by users. Come and read what you care about, choose the topics and writers that appeal to you and then follow them. Engage with your readers or other writers by either writing from scratch using the desk feature or import your existing posts from your Blogger, Wordpress or Tumblr accounts in just a couple of clicks and wi


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