音乐演唱会分销平台 lovelive.tv 详细资料

音乐演唱会分销平台 lovelive.tv

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音乐演唱会分销平台是一个帮助音乐家录制并分销演唱会内容的平台,通过这些节目向各大品牌争取付费赞助并且向粉丝提供演出实况的付费收看服务,让歌星的演唱会赚更多的钱。同时LoveLive 还负责管理节目在 YouTube 和 Vevo 等的分销渠道。目前 LoveLive 每年经手的实况演出超过 400 场,其中不乏麦当娜、艾丽?高登等著名歌星。与其合作的品牌包括惠普、福特、耐克等。LoveLive 成立于 2012 年,总部位于伦敦,现有员工 50 人。创始人兼 CEO Richard Cohen 说,尽管现在智能手机也能录制视频,但是跟专业的节目录制显然不可同日而语。此外,要想节目吸引大品牌赞助,除了要求有高质量的拍摄以外,也要对版权管理提出很高的要求,而这些往往是目前的演唱会欠缺的。In 2009 LoveLive acquired the industry leading online music publication and production unitRockfeedback, providing industry leading creative capabilities and the TV format 'Rockfeedback Presents'.In 2011 LoveLive shot over 450 Live performances including the Global album launch of Adele, produced industry first Pay Per View events for Florence + The Machines and PJ Harvey, created the McFly On The Wall TV format for Channel 5, co-produced The Black Cab Sessions USA, aired the fifth season of Rockfeedback Presents on Channel 4, produced the Robert Plant documentary for HD Net and added a number of brand partners to our portfolio.In 2012 LoveLive launched a self-branded YouTube channel, recording and streaming Live performances from the likes of Madonna, Rihanna, Plan B and Ellie Goulding. The channel has gained in excess of 130,000 subscribers and 4.5 million video views in five months, with exclusive content available to watch on-demand. LoveLive also worked on prominent music events with clients including BT, Xbox, Spotify, River Island and HP, with more exciting events to come before the year is through

内容提要:LoveLive is a video agency that empowers brands to reach targeted audiences through music. LoveLive Featured in ‘Courier’ + Hiscox Advertorial The L...


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