社会化在线会议管理平台 conferize.com 详细资料

社会化在线会议管理平台 conferize.com

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社会化在线会议管理平台是一个帮助用户发现世界各地的会议和在线观看的平台,而不许用户满世界的飞来飞去,提供搜索和提交专业会议的功能,让用户找到哪个会议可以参加。用户也可以关注靠谱的人,收听他们的推荐。相信你也有相同的经历:参加过各式各样的技术会议,某时某地,同一领域的上百人聚在一起,我们可以用摄像录影文字来记录会议的场景,然而这依然是无法用技术手段再现的活动,也就是说会议仍需身临其境。然而事情正在改变。平台帮助你发现世界各地的Zhui新会议清单,帮助你推荐对你有帮助的重要会议,让你通过网络就可以加入到世界各地的会议中去,直接在线直播现场。As the world gets more complex, connected and globalized we must learn and interact with each other to adapt. The conference is the perfect place for that.But when it comes to advancing conferences in the digital age, we have a lot of work cut out for us. The world holds over a million conferences every year, each involving hundreds or even thousands of people all over the globe. These gatherings generate a vast body of knowledge, allowing societies to continue to create, innovate and evolve.Yet most conferences reach only a fraction of their potential audience; the industry is simply too fragmented and "offline", leaving conferences inside the black box for the invited few. Try finding or following a conference online, for instance. You’ll see a largely uncurated cacophonia of bits and bytes scattered in the cloud. Or you will find a deafening silence.


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1  India(26.1%)
2  United States(12.5%)

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网站常用标签 boxworks strangeloop 2016 box works boxworks conference e3 2016

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