社会化学术教学社区 flooved.com 详细资料

社会化学术教学社区 flooved.com

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社会化学术教学社区是一个社会化的教育应用平台,通过社会化协作和开放式的学术分享方式为世界各地的学生、学者提供权威的教育材料,用户可以在这里找到学习资料、历届试题、学术报告、教师学术批注课题资源等内容。平台是在两年前由Nicolas Philippe and Hamish Brocklebank创办,旨在为教育界的教科书提供Zhui权威的知识资料,完善教育课程资料的权威性和完整性,并且用户可以在平台上对阅读的内容进行批注、记录。 is a social educational application that offers benefits to students, academics and publishers. Eventually, this intelligent app will turn into one of the best and most comprehensive libraries of academic textbooks online but, for the moment, it focusses purely on scientific subjects. It provides all the study material needed for the modern day student with textbooks, past exam papers, theses and video content at your fingertips. But that's not the end of the story. It also enriches and adds to the learning experience by cross linking relevant topics by chapter and even adds a social side by allowing both students and professorial types to annotate, add links and content and interact. provides a package of vetted academic textbooks, journals, lecture notes, past exam papers, theses and video content to students for a monthly subscription and then adds value to the content by building context into it by specifically cross linking relevant topics by chapter. This is done using a combination of statistical, semantic and ontological indexing engines with the most relevant content being pushed to the top of the list. is also social and allows all sides to add relevant new material to the underlying conte


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